2009年7月2日 星期四

Simple Pleasure

去鄰近的小超商買牛奶 商品架上林林總總的乳酪製品中一個陶瓶裝的 St. Benoit Yogurt法式手工優格引起我注意。 產品標榜一切純天然 也不用塑膠容器 光是看網站上提供原料的小母牛和草原照片就已覺得美味。 他是類似商品中最高價的 7.5盎司的容量售價 $1.99 還要加上瓶子的押金 $1.50 但是我還是欣喜買下。 這就是市場行銷的成功處吧 掌握流行趨勢和消費者的喜好。

Yogurt食用起來味道濃郁 溫和而不過酸,加上蜂蜜和藍梅是我喜歡的方式。 我其實看上陶瓶甚過內容,也不打算退回領取押金。第一瓶已被我用來裝盛烹飪用的鹽,第二瓶拿來裝彩色筆 我還可以用來做義大利甜點 Panna Cotta 的模杯 也許可以替代湯碗上餐前的 puree濃湯 省去湯匙直接飲用 是不是也可以植些水根花草。。。

想不到一個小小的容器 竟然提供了我無限的想像空間 你們有沒有其它好建議呢?

3 則留言:

Miss LK 提到...

I was eyeing that little clay pot for a long time but decided to pass at the end. I have my own yogurt maker already and it is a little stretched to buy the yogurt just for the container(a great size for fresh herbs).

I'm sure it tastes great though.

Echomiao 提到...

Miss LK

How does the yogurt maker work? Do you still need some form of yogurt culture?

I store some fresh herbs from the garden in the clay pot for impromptu cooking, but cats think they are catnip...

Miss LK 提到...

The yogurt maker is really a temperature controlled container - the same result can be achieved in a warm spot of the house or keep the pilot light on in the oven. You will need a yogurt starter to mix with fresh milk or just use a store bought plain yogurt as a starter.

It's super easy or a lazy bone like me will never get hooked :)