Siebel 只有11歲 走得太早也太急促 姊姊說牠是一隻好貓 連可能發生的大筆醫療費用都替我省下了 但是我寧願折損荷包而不是牠的壽命。
看到 Minimi 對著 Siebel 常歇息的空籃哀叫 讓人心酸 她每天還是習慣性的躲在角落吃貓食 不理解 Siebel 已經不會再來搶食了
我雖然長年透過世界展望會助養南美的兒童 但是每天付出心力照顧陪伴牽掛的卻是這隻害羞膽怯的貓兒 寵物和飼主的關係其實是雙向的馴養共生。我給了牠溫飽安適的環境 牠撫慰了我的孤寂 彼此都付出 unconditional love
再多的眼淚 改變不了 Siebel 離去的事實 放下自責 努力遺忘牠斷氣前痛苦的模樣和哀嚎 我只要記得最後一個早晨牠在我臂彎一起沈睡的安寧
獸醫診所寄來一張卡片安慰傷心人 上面寫著如下動人的文字:
Just this side of heaven lies the Rainbow Bridge
When a beloved pet dies, it goes to the Rainbow Bridge. It makes friends with other animals and frolics over rolling hills and peaceful, lush meadows of green.
Our pets do not thirst or hunger. The old and sick are made young once more; the maimed and the ill become healed and strong. They are as healthy and playful as we remember them in days gone by.
Though happy and content, they still miss comeone very special, someone they had to leave behind.
Together, the animals chase and play, but the day comes when a pet will suddenly stop and look into the distance...bright eyes intent, eager body quivering. Suddenly recognizing you, your pet bounds quickly across the green fields and into your embrace. You celebrate in joyous reunion. You will never again separate. Happy tears and kisses are warm and plenty; your hand caress the face you missed. You look once more into the loving eyes of your pet and know you never really parted. You realize that though out of sight, your love had been remembered.
And now, you cross the Rainbow Bridge together
Dear Siebel, until then we'll meet at the Rainbow Bridge

Siebel 小時候的清秀模樣

Minimi 不情願的接納了這個分奪主人注意力的小跟班


Top image: painting by Mimi Vang Olsen
3 則留言:
常覺得怎麼主寵之間十數年的情緣一晃眼就過了 滿懷的思念該寄情何處?
不過我更相信the ones we love never really leave us, they live within us through fond memories. Seibel and you have given each other the most wonderful gift.
小時候的Siebel真的太可愛哩!難怪他如此深得你心.我也深信你們一定可以在Rainbow Bridge相遇的.
Miss LK
情感上寵物就像是家人 生離死別一樣煎熬 但是世上沒有不散的筵席 我們每個人都在 Titanic 上 遲早要到終站 只是先後靠岸
希望 Siebel 和妳的 Fifi 一起在 Rainbow Bridge 作伴
Siebel 小時候確實可愛 不過長大後老被人嫌醜 牠只好以個性取勝 我對人類沒有太多貢獻不過算是給了這兩隻被棄養的貓兒優質生活