2011年6月2日 星期四

Goodbye My Love

Siebel 病了三天 送醫途中 無預警的死在我懷裡 自責沒有提前送醫 為甚麼僥倖的認為他自己會好轉 他和 Minimi 同樣的飲食同樣的環境 為何只有 Siebel突發疾病 我陷入極度悲傷和懊悔 眼淚崩堤 無法接受殘酷的事實 一部分的我也隨之蒸發

不記得何時曾經如此傷心 沒有你如影隨行 依偎在身邊的日子還會一樣溫暖嗎?

5 則留言:

christina 提到...

怎麼會這樣啊 難道他本身有甚麼病 不然同吃一種飲食 怎麼令一隻貓 沒有怎樣

養寵物 當寵物離開時 總會讓主人傷心的 又是如此的突然................

Miss LK 提到...

Dear Echo,

I am very sorry to hear about Siebel. My eyes were filled with tears as I read...

I sincerely believe that you have done the best you could and Siebel was in your arms resting peacefully, free from all physical pains.

Please take good care of youself and Minimi. My Fifi will keep Siebel company in the kitty heaven.

LS 提到...

在這裡看過幾張Siebel的相片, 都感到有些熟悉了, 沒想到竟如此突然...Losing a pet isn't easy. It takes time. Wish you the best.

匿名 提到...


Echomiao 提到...

To All:

Thank you for your emotional support, I've been through all the stages: guilt, denial, anger, depression, now have to work on acceptance. I am still in tears every morning and evening when I don't have Siebel's warm body snuggling against me, but I hope he is in a better place now.

My sincere gratitude to my blogging friends for your warm thoughts.